- A quarter century later DCE 2009
- Alumni Day SR – in – the – media AD 2002
- Amitab Bachachan
- Amitabh Bachchan 2006
- Austerity is fine but it
- Directory on DU alumni released 2002
- DU plans to charm alumni for funds
- DU VC to stay till successor is found 2000
- Filmmaker Imtiaz Ali on his Hindu College days 7 June 2009
- First Directory on DU Alumni released 2002
- Indian Association for English Studies
- Letter-AC 24 April 2002
- PVC Professor C R Babu 26
- Shashi Tharoor has played Antony to Mira Nair 2009
- Delhi University to be on Internet soon 1997
- DU Alumni Sydney Rebeiro – V R Mehta Major Landmarks
- DU Council approves MOU with foreign Universities 1997
- DU Distinguished alumni Award proposed 1997
- DU representatives for Councils elected
- DU signs MoU with foreign varsities 1997
- Former student gives DU largest donation 1999
- I could not do much for colleges – Vice Chancellor V R Mehta 1999
- I Learnt my motherin from monkey 1993
- IP College 75 Platinum Jubilee 16 March 1999
- MANUSHI 1999 New DU dean is appointed 9 March 1997
- Prof Ashit K Ganguly and his wife Jean 1999
- SR DU Foreign Students Advisory Committee 1986 – 1991
- The Bankrupt University
- The Delhi University Faculty Club DUFAC 1976
- The Delhi University Teachers Sports Club1979
- TheaterFest 1990 DU Dia Jub
- Towards a Tansformational Management 1995
- With cheque, he returns to DU
- World University Service DU Committee 1996 – 2003
- Annual Report 1988 – 89 The DU CultureCouncil and SRR
- Coffee Days 1980
- Compulsory addition of marks scrapped
- Constitution Faculty Cultural Centre 1983
- Correspondence School’s proposal rejected 1981
- Delhi varsity cine club opened
- DUMADS Art Exhibition Dr P N Kirpal 02.07.1983
- DUMADS Dy Dean SW in independent charge Cultural and Youth Affairs
- DUMADS First ever DU Freshers Talent Contest 1982
- DUMADS Inauguration of DU Cineclub DUMADS March 1982
- DUMADS Organised by The University of Delhi and Conversazione 1981
- DUMADS Press Release 15 Dec 1981
- DUMADS To Revive DUMADS 1981
- Encore Culture DUMADS 1980-85
- Fall in PF arrears
- Heat, walkout on Rao Tula Ram issue 1981
- No Reduction In Qualifying marks for admission
- Plus Minus at University 31 1980
- Professor Madhuri R Shah Chairman UGC 1982
- SRR – led Delegation to Indira Gandhi 26.02.1980
- The worlds First NAM Youth Culture Festival UN – IYY 1985
- University Admissions 1983 Guidance and Counselling Session
- Year of ups and downs at University
- Conversazione 19 March 1975
- Dr Amrik Singh Director South Delhi Campus 12 Nov 1973
- DUTA Book Bank Resources Mobilisation Committee 23 January 1976
- DUTA BookBank ResMobilisation Committee 1976
- Prof R C Mehrotra University of Rajasthan 20 Nov 1974
- Professor R C Mehrotra VC 1979
- Professor R C Mehrotra ViceChancellor 4 August 1978
- Vice Chancellor 1969-1970 Professor K N Raj shaped Indias economic planning process