Inauguration of DU Cineclub – DUMADS – March 1982
Inauguration of DU Cineclub DUMADS March 1982
Secretary: Sydney Rebiro
Initiated and managed by DUMADS and Conversazione
DUMADS – British Council ‘Strawberry Fields Forever’ The Beatles Documentary, launched Sir Shankar Lal Concert Hall University of Delhi 1983. On the stage Mr. Sydney Rebeiro secretary DU MADS ( DU Music Arts and Drama Society) and Mr. Pankaj Rakesh convenor. Pankaj became eminent professor of media studies at OP Jindal Global university and at AAFT UP besides being the film scriptor director of the documentary of the 150th anniversary of the Calcutta Police. Pankaj was also a general secretary of the SPS College alumni association and joint secretary of Conversazione, a global forum of intellectual and professionals.
DUMADS Prize Distribution at University Guest House – August 1982

Dr. Ranjana Srivastava (CIE) renowned artists, Professor Bhupendra Sheetal (President DUWA), Professor Leela Omchery (later Padma Shri) and Secretary DUMADS Sydney Rebeiro.

A DUMADS keepsake at the Viceregal Lodge
After the Prize Distribution Function – April 1983.
In the Forever Frame are Rachel Mathew (JDM), KC Vasandani (STGTB Khalsa), Dr Anil Sardana (SBS), K B Gupta, (SCC/ SOL), Dr J S Sabharwal (SGTB Khalsa Evening), Dr S C Bhatia (ARSD), B S Chauhan (Shivaji) and Sydney Rebeiro (SBS)
Dr Iris Paintal (Lady Irwin), Ravi Wadhwa (Moti Lal Nehru), Pankaj Rakesh (SBS/ Jamica MCRC), Gulshan Taneja (RLA)
Row 1 2 R Alka Mehrotra (Kamala Nehru)